JAMstack Blog

A testing blog for Headless CMS experimentation

JAMstack Portfolio

A proof of concept site to experiment with Gridsome and Wagtail to create a SSG JAMstack site

  1. Consuming Wagtail data via graphql - including pagination
  2. Consuming Wagtail data via DRF - including pagination
  3. Handling wagtail private pages and fields
  4. Backend authentication of SSG build phase (TokenAuthentication)
  5. Webhook to build site after content edit in Wagtail
  6. Load test Django Wagtail pages versus Gridsome SSG equivalents
  7. Have dynamic functionality in SSG i.e. search for posts
  8. Have a vuex store; handles search and extra content loads on private pages
  9. Handle authentication on search (TokenAuthentication from localStorage but could be from Cookie or JWT)
  10. Handle image uploading to Cloudinary through Wagtail
  11. Handle image rendering from Cloudinary through Gridsome Vue.js
  12. Use Bootstrap framework in frontend
  13. Add GA to site
  14. Updated Wagtail API to return if Page is restricted
  15. Updated Wagtail API to exclude specific (extra) fields where Page is private
  16. Updated Gridsome to pre-render all pages but only display extra content on public pages
  17. Updated Gridsome to dynamically load extra content on private pages where user is authenticated